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Download Practical Plastic Surgery PDF 11 Mb. Handbook of Fractures Third Edition is a pocket-sized go-anywhere guide—an ideal on-the-spot reference for residents and practitioners seeking fast facts on fracture management and classification. Handbook of Fractures is organized by anatomic site providing key information on fractures in adults and in children, including: • epidemiology • anatomy • mechanism of injury • clinical evaluation • radiologic evaluation • classification • treatment • management of complications Handbook of Fractures has an easy-access format featuring numerous charts, tables, diagrams, illustrations, and bulleted lists. Two new chapters in this edition cover closed reduction, casting, and traction, and orthopaedic analgesia.
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This comprehensive handbook contains a wealth of illustrations and explanatory text, which is organized into a concise repository of information on fractures according to the most widely used classification systems. The classification systems covered include AO and OTA systems. This allows readers the opportunity to make a correct diagnosis using the appropriate criteria, while simplifying the planning of further management and ensuring that communication with experienced staff is more effective. Download Fractures Classification in Clinical Practice PDF 2Mb.
This allows readers the opportunity to make a correct diagnosis using the appropriate criteria, while simplifying the planning of further management and ensuring that communication with experienced staff is more effective. Download Fractures Classification in Clinical Practice PDF 2Mb.
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Book Description: Introducing the most dramatically revised edition of Harrison’s ever! Now with NEW bonus DVD with 37 chapters and more than 500 brand new images and video clips MORE THAN TRUSTED, BEYOND ESSENTIAL..The #1 selling medical textbook worldwide, Harrison’s has defined internal medicine for millions of clinicians and students. The new Seventeenth Edition retains Harrison’s acclaimed balance of pathobiology, cardinal signs and manifestations of disease, and best approaches to patient management, yet has been massively updated to give you an innovative array of bold new features and. If ever there was one must-have resource for clinicians and students – this is it. UNMATCHED EXPERTISE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS.
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Download Practical Plastic Surgery PDF 11 Mb. Handbook of Fractures Third Edition is a pocket-sized go-anywhere guide—an ideal on-the-spot reference for residents and practitioners seeking fast facts on fracture management and classification. Battleship tamil dubbed movie download.
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UNMATCHED EXPERTISE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. As an unprecedented amount of medical information bombards you and your patients, where do you go to sort it out and make sense of it all?
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Offers a completely new section on non-operative patient management. Download Rutherford – Vascular Surgery 6th Edition CHM 68 Mb Download Link. Description,review and table of contents of Practical Plastic Surgery: The book contains over a hundred chapters organized into eight sections that cover the breadth of plastic surgery, starting with General Principles, The Problematic Wound and Integument. The next five sections address the principle disciplines, and include Head and Neck, Trunk and Lower Extremity, Craniofacial Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery, concluding with Hand and Upper Extremity.
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Every chapter concludes with a section titled “pearls and pitfalls,” as well as a handful of important references. You can download Practical Plastic Surgery Book for free from the download link.
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In addition, it is now available as a multimedia package, offering readers enhanced reference power plus weekly updates for the life of the edition. Features more than 2/3 either brand-new or extensively revised chapters, with the remainder updated as appropriate. Provides an increased emphasis on endovascular procedures throughout, including 13 chapters devoted solely to the topic plus a completely new section on basic endovascular techniques.
As an unprecedented amount of medical information bombards you and your patients, where do you go to sort it out and make sense of it all? When your patients request clarification on something they’ve “printed off” where do you turn for expert explanations? The same trusted resource physicians and students have turned to for over fifty years: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. Now more than ever, trust Harrison’s to filter and clarify the exploding knowledge base, to highlight the breakthroughs, and to deliver a clear, balanced distillation of the best and most current information on which to base clinical decisions.
Guyton --> Lebih mendalam Ada juga buku Anatomi + Fisiologi- --> Berdasarkan pengalaman, ini lebih mudah dipahami. Tortora --> (Kami dapatkan versi terbarunya, yaitu 2014^_^) Fox --> Martin --> Human and Anatomy Phys --> Buku kedokteran biasanya mahal. Ada ebook yang bisa kita manfaatkan.
Residents and junior doctors on rotation are under constant pressure to have accurate and up-to-date information available to them. This is never more important than when on rotation in the Emergency Room. Junior doctors often lack experience in orthopaedics making the recognition and accurate identification of fractures and their treatment a challenging task. This comprehensive handbook contains a wealth of illustrations and explanatory text, which is organized into a concise repository of information on fractures according to the most widely used classification systems. The classification systems covered include AO and OTA systems.
The text is written by over 75 authors, many of whom are considered among the leaders in their respective fields. Each chapter is concise and focused on the practical aspects of the topic. Historical and out-dated procedures are largely ignored. Every chapter concludes with a section titled “pearls and pitfalls,” as well as a handful of important references. You can download Practical Plastic Surgery Book for free from the download link. Download Practical Plastic Surgery PDF 11 Mb. Handbook of Fractures Third Edition is a pocket-sized go-anywhere guide—an ideal on-the-spot reference for residents and practitioners seeking fast facts on fracture management and classification.
Blog ini memuat semua hal tentang kedokteran untuk post yang ini akan di muat mengenai seluruh ebook yang ada dan akan update selalu bila ada ebook terbaru, so cek terus blog ini ya untuk para pengunjung tinggal mengikuti beberapa step mendownload ebook yang sudah disediakan dibawah. Step 1: klik pada judul ebook yang tersedia dibawah Step 2: setelah klik akan terhubung ke AdF.ly maka klik skip pada pojok kanan atas web tersebut. Step 3: download file langsung ketika terhubung di mediafire Beberapa ebook di yang ada(akan selalu update) 1.
Contohnya kayak Alim di shout box. Halo dr.Nida, mau tambahkan link lagi ya?
The same trusted resource physicians and students have turned to for over fifty years: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. Now more than ever, trust Harrison’s to filter and clarify the exploding knowledge base, to highlight the breakthroughs, and to deliver a clear, balanced distillation of the best and most current information on which to base clinical decisions. THE MOST EXCITING AND EXTENSIVELY REVISED EDITION EVER! This practical guide is devoted to vascular diseases as dealt with by vascular surgeons primarily with the collaboration of other specialists attending to vascular diseases. Because vascular disease requires a holistic approach that can ideally be delivered by various disciplines working together in the form of vascular centres, the book depicts precisely this approach towards confronting and treating vascular diseases. The readership that will benefit the most would be trainees and practitioners in vascular surgery, angiology and also practicing physicians. The coverage in a comprehensive, yet easy to follow, format of most aspects of vascular diseases will also render this book valuable to physicians of other specialities.
Seperti: >> register dulu tp tersedia juga ebook kedokteran berbahasa indonesia >> user: 1929, password: 1929 2. Mencarinya di storage. Untuk 4share.com tinggal cari masukin judul buku ke kolom search. Untuk storage lain kayak megaupload.com, rapidshare.com, mihd.net dll kita pake google. Caranya ketik: judul buku alamat web storage. Misal kita mau cari link dorland di rapidshare.com.
The book concludes with two large appendices and a comprehensive index. Appendix I lists most of the commonly used flaps and their harvest and has many illustrations of these flaps. Appendix II is comprised of illustrations and the names of the common surgical instruments used by most plastic surgeons. The text is written by over 75 authors, many of whom are considered among the leaders in their respective fields. Each chapter is concise and focused on the practical aspects of the topic. Historical and out-dated procedures are largely ignored.
If ever there was one must-have resource for clinicians and students – this is it. UNMATCHED EXPERTISE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. As an unprecedented amount of medical information bombards you and your patients, where do you go to sort it out and make sense of it all? When your patients request clarification on something they’ve “printed off” where do you turn for expert explanations? The same trusted resource physicians and students have turned to for over fifty years: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. Now more than ever, trust Harrison’s to filter and clarify the exploding knowledge base, to highlight the breakthroughs, and to deliver a clear, balanced distillation of the best and most current information on which to base clinical decisions. THE MOST EXCITING AND EXTENSIVELY REVISED EDITION EVER!
Handbook of Fractures is organized by anatomic site providing key information on fractures in adults and in children, including: • epidemiology • anatomy • mechanism of injury • clinical evaluation • radiologic evaluation • classification • treatment • management of complications Handbook of Fractures has an easy-access format featuring numerous charts, tables, diagrams, illustrations, and bulleted lists. Two new chapters in this edition cover closed reduction, casting, and traction, and orthopaedic analgesia. Residents and junior doctors on rotation are under constant pressure to have accurate and up-to-date information available to them. This is never more important than when on rotation in the Emergency Room. Junior doctors often lack experience in orthopaedics making the recognition and accurate identification of fractures and their treatment a challenging task. This comprehensive handbook contains a wealth of illustrations and explanatory text, which is organized into a concise repository of information on fractures according to the most widely used classification systems.
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